The Annual Drum Run

Is Literally A Ton Of Fun!!!

""Their Back, and coming to a bay near you!!!!!""This much awaited rite of spring has already started for those fortunate neighbors just down the coast. And within the next few weeks as soon as those temperature begin to rise the runs should be in full blown proportions. Like Robin's hopping around the backyard or Swallows returning to Capistono, we Texas anglers mark the beginning of the fishing season with the return of those big black beauties of the gulf coast!!

Not known for their good looks with their little goatee like feelers they could be referred to as the cool daddies of the jetties. Add some shades and they could walk into any of those jazz bars without ever being check for I.D. Black Drum fighting abilitity unlike their cousins the reds opt more for the Roberto Dunrand style of ""NO Mas"" after a few short runs. But don't tell this to any of Texas or Lousiana surfers or you may be in for a fight yourself. They will tell you when you hook an extremely oversized Blackie several hundred yards out. And he has the avantage of the power of the waves and current working in his favor against you and your 50 ft. surf rod. Beaching a few of these brutes during the course of a day and your definitely ready for Miller Time!! And you guessed it, it doesn't get any better than that!!!!

Which brings me to another great characteristic for Texas Anglers about the early spring, late winter runs. The fact that you don't have to have 30 thousands dollars worth of fishing equipment ( boat, depth-finder,GPS, sonar, etc....) tied up to have alot of fun catching this perticular species. In fact in most cases the land fishermen have the advantage of casting their bait unto the water without the fear that most boat fishermen have to avoid when fishing these fertile close to shore hot spots. They usually don't have to be on the watch out for incoming missills tip with 7 lb rebarbed encrusted lead weights. With a crab dangleing off a hook riding this contraption like a cowboy on a 2 thousand pound bull. His eyes usually bulging out on these cast, with pichers extend looking for some kinda of relief from his semi-space launch. So when the studs come careening into your fishing space after you regain consquenceness from the lead weight hitting you in the back of the head. You will then have to deal with loosening the scarced shi--less crab off the back of your neck. With a claw hold on you with enough force to make a pit bull feel envious. Under the Texas fishing regulation 1335-9908 of 1976 saltwater act all unwarranted fishing parifanila that end up in the confines of ones boat. By a foriegn fishermens misguided cast or purposefully cast is the legal property of said owner of the boat. So grab that trusty fillet knife and cut that rigging loose and store it in the old tackle box. But beware when launching any counter retailatory strikes against said land angler. Unless your aim is very good and are assurd of hitting the fishermen that hit you first. And fluxuation of projectory could hit some unfortuante innocent bystander. And being you are well withing casting range from vertually hundred of potential land bound angler, and their is this special bond amoung them as there is among boat fishermen. The onslought of crab dangling bait in mid air heading in you general direction could make General Custer think how easy he had it at Little Big Horn. Just a word of warning!!!

The final good news about the Black Drum runs comes from the title of this article. During these few short weeks tons of delicious, made to order for the Bar-B-Que pit drum will be caught all along the Texas Coast. From the beaches of Sabine Pass, to the peir and rock by Seawolf Park, to the pristine fishing water of our southernly Texas bays. These annually rites of spring should litterly bring tons of fish fillet home for the freezer or backyard smokers. Fishermen, both land bound and boats will more closely resemble Grizzle Bear at their favorite fishing stream scooping up Salmon at will than they will be their usually hit and miss selves!! So be sure to abided by those fishing regulations, have seen on more than one occasion last year where greedy anlgers getting much needed tickets for keeping oversize drum. Remeber keep what you need and release the rest for some one else to fight later on in the year or next. But by all means hurry on up and get out there and bring your Visa card. Cause the drum only come to Texas once a year, and there is nothing better than garlic-buttered drum on the half-shell with a cold Shiner Bock, and the don't except American Express!!!!!!