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( Smallious Marlinious)

Commonly Known as White Marlin


Unlike their giant cousin the blue marlin, white's usually average around 50 to 100 pounds. Colorations is greenish-blue above, silvery-white below. Light blue stripes may be present. The dorsal and anal fin tips are rounded and the lateral line is conspicuous, while on a smaller blue, the fin tips are pointed and the lateral line can't be seen. The White's bill is smooth on the top and raspy on the sides. Usually found in Texas water in the warmer months. Anglers in search of this prize must venture out to the 100 fathom water of the coast is hope of hanging into one of these species of game fish. Anglers should use the same baits and methods for going after White's as they would for Blue's. Usually big tackle, big boats, and big baits, either live or artificial. Although not as big as their cousin they can still put on quite a show when hung. With lots of spectacular leaps and runs. The good news is they are more plentiful than the cousins, and those being caught should be tagged, photoed and release. Because of the great pressures put on this species and all the billfish family by commercial fishing industries the numbers and quality are on the decline. So do your part to ensure future generation with some yet unfullfilled memories and take good picutures and measurement before releasing. Better than original mounts can be made out of fiberglass with new technology, so there is no reason to bring this catch home with you.


State Records:  111 pounds, 8 ounces Hospital Rock
August 5, 1979
Gio Taggart, Rockport


World Record:  181 pounds, 14 ounces Victoria, Brazil
December 8, 1979
Evandro Luiz Coser

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