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( Tripleious The Funious)

Commonly Known as Tripletail

The Tripletail although mostly overlooked by sport fishermen which is good new to those who realize it's qualities. With it's wide blackish body those fishing with light tackle are in for a decent fight. And when cooked correctly is one of the better tasting fish in the gulf coast, although a little bit on the bony side. Average weight in the 5 pound class, it can grow to reach 25 pounds or larger. Tripletails can be found from the back bays to the surf around jetties and peirs or close offshore. Hanging close to structure they can be found floating on their sides near weedline or any sort of debris that hold bait fish.With small mouth your hook selection should be the same. Baited with bits of shrimp, bait fish or peices of crabs. So the next time you pass that weedline in search of Dolphin or ling. Take a closer look for a Tripletail that may be sunning itself. Chunk out a pre-rig trout rod and be ready for some good eating after a day on the water. Who knows maybe next time the Dolphin may just be an after-thought of a day of Tripletail fishing...


State Records: 33.50 pounds
Matagorda Bay June 29, 1984
Mrs. Eddie Porter
World Record: 42 pounds, 5 ounces
Zululand Republic of South Africa, June 7, 1989
Steve Hand

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