sandtigershark.GIF (26523 bytes)

( Wadious Eatious Yourious Assious)

Commonly Known as Sand Tiger

Yet another one of those potential maneaters, though thankfully not common in Texas waters. Since the Sand Tiger call the shoreline along the beaches their territory they can tend to pose some problems not only wadefishermen but also surfers and the occasional beach goer... The good news is they tend to feed mostly at night so they don't pose a big problem to the average beachgoer. The bad news is when they are found in these water they can reach upwards of 10 feet in length and 300 or so pounds..

Deit consist of mainly small fish and feeding habit is they are mostly nocturnal. At one time called the sand tiger, was later renamed because of their tendecy to prowl the surf. The other good news for fishermen is their are edible, so what is good for the goose is good for the gander..

Distinctive marking is the sloping forehead, two equal size dorsal fins, and grayish in color with darker coloration on the snout and near the dorsal..


State Records: none
World Record: 340 pounds
Buxton, North Carolina  June 3, 1990
Michael Seay

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