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Commonly Known as Atlantic Spadefish

The spadefish also known as anglefish is a member of the Ephippidae family. Because of it's wide body style it can put up quite a fight especially when hook on lighter tackle. Coloration is usually vertical black and white bars but may very to nearly solid black or white. Spadefish can be found close to shore usually around jetties, channels and sometimes in the bays. Diet consist of many crustaceans and young fish, but is known to eat the occasional comb jellies and small jellyfish. Peirs, jetties, and reefs are a good start when going after one of these anglelic fish of the gulf. Good news is they put up a decent fight and they are good to eat.


State Records: 10 pounds Gulf of Mexico
November 24, 1990
Laramie Winczewske, Houston


World Record: 14 pounds, Chesapeake Bay, Virgina
May 23, 1986
George Brace

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