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( Misterious Sandbarious)

Commonly Known as Sandbar Shark

Not common to Texas waters, sandbars that are caught are in the cooler, deeper waters offshore.. They are one of the more distinctive looking sharks with their large fins and broadly rounded snouts and beady eyes.. Staying mostly in schools they tend to stay deep off structure such as snapper reef. And like to take big chunks off of said snapper while they are on their way up. A characteristic not fond very favorable to most snapper fishermen.

Average length would be 4 to 6 feet and around 100 lbs. When they reach maturity, they won't be much larger at 8 foot or so, but their body weight by then has at least double. A strong fighter that likes to stay close to the ocean floor. Armed with some very sharp choppers they can quickly cut through the heaviest of fishing line, another habit that make snapper fishermen see red.. Although edible, if you want to have any chance of landing one of these brutes. You better have some stout fishing tackle and some wire on the end of your line. Or Adios Mr. Sandbar, and Adios mr. snapper...


State Records: 226 pounds
Padre Island March21,1975 James Wilson
World Record: 260 pounds
Gambia Coast, January 2, 1989 Paul Delsignore

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