( Numerious Uno Wallis Mountis)

Commonly Known as Sailfish

When someone is referred to as a big game hunter thoughts of Lions, Water Buffalo, Elephant and Rhinos heads mounted in huge studies, filled with cases of gun racks and ivory tables come to mind. This version holds especially true in the Hollywood movies depicting the Great White Hunter. And when someone mention that a client is a big sport fishermen the first thought that comes to mind is a giant sailfish adoring the wall behind his desk. There are good reasons behind these images that most people have of sport fishermen, because not only Sails make outstanding mounts. Any fishermen worth his salt has dreamed of landing one of these remarkable fighter of the blue. But fortunately for us and especially for Mr. Sailfish with modern technology the sought after wall mount do not have to give up their lives for us to enjoy their beauty hanging in our studies. With precise measurement a good taxidermist and a skill air brush artist will render a mount so life like he could probably swim off into the depths of the ocean given the chance.

Sails are a migratory creature of habit. Generally found in the same warm water that their bigger cousins blue and white marlin can be found. Its' most prominent feature the dorsal fin can be folded down into a slot in its back for speed. And speed and his jumping ability are what make this one of the top prizes for game fish anglers. Found in deeper waters, sailfish will on occasion stray closer to shore than their counterparts. So big boats with big gas tanks filled with expensive fishing equipment is a must if an anglers wants to have any chance of tagging one of Mother Natures most prized possessions. Which is good news for Mr. Sail since not every weekend Joe is going to be able to troll the deep water in hopes of hooking into the Michael Jordan of the ocean.

But fear not, even those of us who have to borrow from little Johnnies college fund to gas up the boat on the weekend. We can also afford a chance of hanging into Mr. Sail on one of the dream vacation of a life time. With a few pesos you too can be in fighting chair endlessly trolling the deep blue water off of Mexico. Downing Cervecas and some kind of concoction called slammers while your Captain yells out instructions in Spanish. But since this is their living and their waters you will almost certainly come home with a good memory for the old record books. During the right time of year these experienced Captains will put you on the fish, if you land one is another story. But with any luck and some good sense to stay away from those slammers you should be able to get a few to the boat for some pictures and measurements before releasing to fight another day. And if you hold those Cervesa under the double digit numbers you may even be able to recall your memorable experience after reaching the dock. But then what kind of vacation would that be!!!!! "Senior, another pass, another round, and keep those slammers coming!!!!"


State Records: 95
East Breaks off Port Aransas July 12, 1972
Morton Cohn
World Record: 135 pounds 5 ounces
Lagos Nigeria November 10, 1991
Ron King

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