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( Trollious Baitious Excellentious)

Commonly Known as Ribbonfish

For those offshore anglers in search of big Kings, the ribbonfish is the number one bait, almost as important as the reel he is fishing with. Found throughout the bays and close to shore during the warm- weather months. Feeding on mostly small fish and shrimp, occasionally hitting a fishermen lure. The ribbonfish are aggressive feeders, and though not sought after here for their food source as they are in other countries, they do play a viable part of Texas fishing in their abilities to entice strikes from big kings. With silvery slick skin, they taper from their head to tails in ribbon like fashion, hence the name. And with a set of choppers to match their prehistoric like appearance they must be a very fearsome looking enemy, especially to a little shrimp. A since they are so different in appearance than the typical saltwater species of fish. They are a treat for small children and big one alike to catch once in a great while. But be careful of those finger nipping teeth while examining this strange gulf coast species.


State Records: 20.35 pounds
Gulf of Mexico, July 20, 1991
Sergio Flores
World Record: 37 pounds, 9 ounces
Isla Clarion, Mexico November 21, 1991
Tom Pfleger

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