pomp.GIF (32469 bytes)

( Smotherious In Butterious)

Commonly Known as Pompano

The Florida Pompano are a familar species of game fish for those surfcasting anglers along the Gulf Coast. Usually found along the beach fronts near passes and inlets just inside the breakers. With best results in late spring through early fall. With adults moving into the back bay systems during the September and October months. With small mouths, pompano's feed on mollusks, shrimp, small fish and crustceans. Those anglers looking for some hook up should be using light tackle with small hooks tip with shrimp, bits of crab, or junior-size artificials. Not only do they put up a decent fight with light tackle, using their wide bodies as resistance. They are hard press to find a better tasting meal when broil in butter over a bed of wild rice...


State Records: 6.25 pounds
Gulf of Mexico January 1, 1989
Wilbert Hettinger
World Record: 8 pounds, 1 ounce
Flagler Beach, Florida March 19, 1984
Chester Dietrick

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