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( Sheepious Snapious)

Commonly Known as Mutton Snapper

The mutton snapper better known to anglers as mutton fish is one of the snapper family that is sometimes confused with it's well known cousin the red snapper. This is especially true when it is in it's reddish phase. Like all snapper it's coloration is varied but can usually be found with dark olive on the back, shading to pink below. It is will also have dark vertical bars or indistinct blothes, a small black spot is located on the vertical line slightly back from the middle of the body. Usually found on the outer bank in deep waters it is not found in any great numbers in Texas. Average size will be about 3 to 5 pounds but can grow much larger.


State Record: None


World Record: 27 pounds, 6 ounces Johns Pass, Florida
September 16, 1989
Roger Mccrady

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