greysnap.GIF (28230 bytes)

( Oldious Snapious)

Commonly Known as Grey Snapper

Another of the snapper family also known as the mangrove snapper it is one of the more plentiful members of the snapper family found in Texas waters. Like all snapper it is able to change it's color to blend into it's enviorment. Though usually it will be deep brownish red to almost greyish white. There are faint vertical bars part way down the back and the canine teeth are larger on the upper jaw than lower. Typical size are in the 1 to 4 pound range. Found around offshore structure of platforms and reef like the other snapper family members. Diet consist of small fish, blue crab, shrimp and squid and are mostly night feeders. This member of the snapper family is also good to eat.


State Record: 14 pounds Gulf of Mexico
June 21, 1992
Jerry Sims Houston


World Record: 17 pounds Port Canaveral Florida
June 14, 1992
Steve Maddox

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