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( Dustious Roadious)

Commonly Known as Dusky Shark

Sometime referred to as the shovelnose shark this is one of the bigger of the shark family that inhabits Texas waters. Closely resembling the sandbar shark the dusky can grow to almost twice their length. Coloration is darkish gray along the back and top dorsals, with a sharklike white under belly.. With the same set of extremely sharp choppers like it's close cousins the sandbars. But if you hang into one weighting in at more than 250 pounds there is a good chance it is a dusky.

Another deep water structure inhabitant, duskies like to roam the ocean floor in search of a quick meal. And the vibrations of a hooked snapper on the end of a line is like ringing the dinner bell if a dusky is nearby.. Best methods for fishing for duskies are strong fishing equipment with wire leaders being the closest to your prey. Also using very large baits, since these are big sharks. Will help ensure you hang into one of these bad boys when going after them.

Strong fighters that like to stay deep and put up a lot of resistant. Once they head toward the surface you can bet the better part of the fight is about over. Although edible, their meat isn't sought after, best bet is to get your pictures and release this one back to fight another day...


State Records: 530 pounds
Gulf of Mexico, March 1, 1975
Raymond Hein
World Record: 764 pounds
Longboat Key, Florida May 28, 1982
Warren Girle

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