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Commonly Known as Shortfin Mako Shark

A great boat and a great shark. The Mako has the look that most anglers have in mind when the word shark is mentioned.. Usually only found in our water during the warmer months of the year. The are nomadic in nature, and tend to prowl the deeper water offshore. A much sought after species though not desireable for their meat. They are mostly sought after for their fighting nature.. Equipped with power, speed and lots of determination, the Mako when hook will also afford the angler with some acrobatic leaps which is why he is so popular...

Roaming the open Texas waters, Mako diet consist of mostly schooling species of fish such as the herring and mackerel.. Also possessing some formable set of dentures. Mako's should be handle with care while and after being hooked. Especially during the releasing process.. Reaching some impressive size and weights, this is one shark you better be ready for both in tackle and stanima. Or else you'll never know what grab hold of your hook and spooled your reel, unless he wants to come back for a I told you so....


State Records: 664 pounds
Port Isabel, May 4, 1987
Donal Richardson
World Record: 1,115 pounds
Black River Maurtitius, November 16, 1988
Patrick Guillanton

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