bladerunner.GIF (13209 bytes)

( Blueious Hueious)

Commonly Known as Blue Runner


Unlike their the name the Blue Runner are more of a greenish tint rather than a blue. Back and upper sides have greenish shading fading to a yellowish-silver along it's sides. Also known as a hardtail Jack the blue runner is a member of the jack family. Normally found around jetties and reefs, juvenilles can be found in the surf. Diet consist mainly of small fish, shrimp and crabs. Not sought after for food they can be a good fighter because of their body style, especially on lighter tackle. Average size is in the 2 to 3 pound class range with the occasional 4 to 5 pounder in the group.


State Records:  None


World Record:  8 pounds, 4 ounces  Bimini Bahmas
September 9, 1990
Brent Rowland

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