sharpnoseshark.GIF (33586 bytes)

( Needious Noseious Jobious)

Commonly Known as Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

Good news is this is not a threat to human and is also edible. The bad news it doesn't grow to any impress lengths.Another of the shark species that call the surf and nearby beaches their home turf.. The sharpnose is also known as the sand shark, is one of the most abundiant species in Texas waters. Diet consist of small fish, shrimp and mollusk. The slender body tapers to the pointed snout, hence the name with distinctiver wrinkles around the mouth. Grayish in color with some white spotting on the sides. The fins and tail have a dark trim, but should not be confuse with the black tip. The long snout should help in anglers in telling the difference between the two.. Lots of fun to catch on light tackle but otherwise not much of a fighter...


State Records: none
World Record: 13 pounds 4 ounces
Galveston, May 28, 1989
Harold Denner

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