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( Baitious Stealious)

Commonly Known as Crevalle Jack


Also known as Jackfish, peice of crap, another damn jack and other names we won't go into. This species although a hard puller won't give you much else but headaches unless you have light tackle. Found along the surf and mouths of channels and back bays in the warm months. With average size being in the 3 to 6 pound rage but fish reaching the double digits are not uncommon. They can break up an other non-fish-catching day, but other than that about a worthless species. Not any good for the grill, they tend to roam in schools, so once you get into one, another is sure to follow close behind. Feeding on mullet, small bait fish and crabs, those anglers looking for some kind of action and not too perticular what species they hook up with. Well then the best times to hang into an above average jack is during the fall, especially around September and October. Surf fishing during these months along the Texas Coast, can produce some nice size Jacks and those anglers with some light tackle can at least get some pratice in. But other than that and fun for the unknowing novice angler this perticular species is best left in the water...  


State Records: 50 lbs.and 4ozs.
Port Aransas, June 26, 1986
Francis Lyon
World Record: 57 lbs and 5ozs
Barroa do Kwanza, Angola, October 10, 1992
Cam Nicolson

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